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Right Now


Time: 1:28 p.m.
craving: raspberries

Drinking:whisky sour
Wearing: Jammies
Listening: The Matches - Dog Eared Page
Thinking: I want to go on vacation!
Wanting: Warm Socks
PLUGGING: Urban Dictionary

yaya boredom

frickin crap! i just saw my diary for the 1st time in a billion decades, and I love it. I need to make buttons for the links though. what the fuck am i talking about? Im too lzay to make em, if you make buttons know where I can steal some that go with my theme, I'd be forever greatful. You can send em to me at my temporary crap email address [email protected].

I think I will buy sims vacation today. The downloadable objects look pretty effing rad so maybe. But I really want Hot Date. mmm Hot.

So next month we're going to Vegas for Jacob's 21st birthday. I LOVE Vegas. It is warm but zero humidity, and they treat you so fabulous there. The buffets are great, and cheap. The alcohol flows freely there - yes, free. Jacobs dad gets his rooms, his meals, and his transportation for free cause he's a high roller.

I frickin love vegas. Everyone should go to vegas. Holy ape. I'm getting hungry. I want my mom to make dinner tonight. Blah. I don't want to cook and I don't want to go out to dinner. I could make Jacob cook, but I won't.

Well kids, this entry is going nowhere fast, and the sims are calling me. More later.


I'm eating a plain bagel with cream cheese and I'm drinking a cup of Hin Hao Jasmine Tea. I frickin love tea. I could drink tea forever. This is my favorite tea though, but it's kinda expensive $8 for 1/4 lb. There is tea that is $25 for the same amount so mine isn't that expensive.

I want to take this time out to say, damnit, why doesn't anyone visit me? HUH? I was back to visit 2 maybe 3 times. And only one of you came to visit. what the ape crap hole is that? Hmm, I noticed that lately I use the word ape a hell of a lot. And I think my cursing has become more and more frequent - if that is even possible with me.

Speaking of ape crap holes, ahah. ape crap hole. hahaha. sorry, i apologize for my constant stints of stupidity. So what's in store for me this week. How about work M-F 9am to 7pm. Yeah, pretty assy. But, it pays the rent. Speaking of pays, I forgot to pay my target card again this month. Ahh fuck! :D So I guess I will be going to target today to pay my bill and shit. I wonder what's on sale.... ooh the new found glory cd is only 8.99 at target. hah. Cept I don't buy music at target or any of those places. EEP! DAVID BOWIE!@#$& His new cd is at target too. 11.88 *slurp* I fricking love Bowie. Also, mary kate and ashley olsen have a new video out, "Getting there". Getting WHERE exactly? Ah, who cares. I wonder who they will pose for nude first when they turn 18. Maxim has my bet. How about yours? "Holy sack, I should make one of those annoying ass web polls on my site" thought ruby. AND I DID!

Ah fuck. I'm just typing to fill in space now. And make it look like I have a really interesting life and lots to talk about. But, alas I'm a loser and Have absolutely nothing to talk about. C-Fest was last night, and I wanted to go cause unwritten law was gonna be there, but, we didn't. Ah well. I'm frickin tired.

We need to go to costco sometime this week and pick up a fiftyfive gallon drum of ketchup and a 40 pack of paper towels. You are probbally bored as all balls with this. I wonder if balls can get bored? I consulted jacob re bored balls, and he confirmed that balls can sometimes become bored. Upon further probing (heh probing) balls can get bored due to lack of use and activity. (subtle hint anyone?)

It is cloudy and rainy today. Blah, it only liek rains 10 times a year here. No kidding, maybe honestly like 25 but it really just never rains. Pretty great. I'd go to the beach, but like I said. Its crappy out. Maybe go surfing? The swell isn't good today, and the water is pretty cold too. (I said "swell" ahha) I don't think that I say swell nearly enough in everyday conversation.

Ahhh. I was just thinking of something to get for Jacob for his birthday. I know he wants the spiderman game for PS2, but I know he will buy it cause it is onsale at target this week. (a Bargain at $38.) He likes "Tribute:The greatest song in the world" so mebbe I'll pick up tenatious D for him. But whatever else I shoudl get is pretty much up for grabs. haha. Grabs. I should really re-construct my page so that the words go accross the page and not in this Uber ghey plus little ass column.



Sorry, that is boredom at it's finest. You know, I read the devine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood (the link is a survival guide for watching the movie). And then I saw a preview for the movie and, I don't think that the movie is going to be like the book much at all. *shrug*

More later.

<--Was * Is-->

Visit Jacob and Shannon's wedding page

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Last 5:

older isn't always wiser - Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006
- - Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006
- - Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005
I'm maried!!! - Monday, Sept. 19, 2005
Next week I'll be a wife - Monday, Sept. 05, 2005