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Right Now


Time: 3:07am est
craving: raspberries

Drinking:whisky sour
Wearing: Jammies
Listening: The Matches - Dog Eared Page
Thinking: I want to go on vacation!
Wanting: Warm Socks
PLUGGING: Urban Dictionary

come on I wanna lay ya!

Hi Kids. Yeah I know you all out there thirsting for my "daily" update. Well truth is that I've been lazy and busy. So with a combination of the two, I haven't updated in a while. So like hmm...where did I leave off? Oh, wow, that was a week ago. Um so stuff. Well my moving date has more than likely been pushed back until mid AUG, early SEPT. so um yeah. I have new love interests, since the one I was after OBVIOUSLY shows no affection for me now. ahh the sweet glowing bliss of rejection. =) Anyhow. Ummm I don't remember what happened since I last wrote so lets start off with what happened today.

I planned on going to the gay pride parade/festival today with Bill cause I wanted to go (no, I'm straight...gotta believe me on this one) but since it rained, I ended up not going, and cause Bill had to work. So I got paint for my dresser that I am re-doing =) It's going to be blue, and I'm painting all these "leet" little stars and stuff all over it in silver. So I got paint, got rid of Laura's bed, and cleaned my dresser off. Then I went to Jen's Luau (loo-ow). I had a good time. and my good friend mecca showed up almost naked, we went to her house to get pants @&%$^!!! So after mecca was pants happy, we went back to the party. umm we had fun, did stuff and things were good. Then Serial (meccas bf - awww - hehe) and Fr0st (eeep!) showed up. And um, stuff. I had to leave for work and that sucked. So princess waikiki from comeoniwannalayya gathered her leis, grass skirt, coconut bra, and headed off to work, so graciously driven my Tiffani. =D I wore my leis to work for about an hour, and got sick of people asking my "WERE YOU IN HAWAII?" I was just there on Wed. Do you THINK I SPENT a day in Hawaii and then came home? noooo. Use a little brain power guys. I made $30 @ work tonight and um stuff. So now I'm sitting here bored off my bottom. OHHH visit I beat that things ass! hehe I am the artificial inteligence mistress! WHEEEEEE! umm there was something else I wanted to say here but I forgot. ah, no big deal.

*BTW!!! I UPDATED MY PICTURE PAGE!!* *~*Lumpy, I miss you.*~* *HUGS & Kisses* to the ever so leet Fr0st ;D


<--Was * Is-->

Visit Jacob and Shannon's wedding page

Daisypath Ticker

Last 5:

older isn't always wiser - Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006
- - Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006
- - Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005
I'm maried!!! - Monday, Sept. 19, 2005
Next week I'll be a wife - Monday, Sept. 05, 2005