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Right Now


Time: 10:00pm est
craving: raspberries

Drinking:whisky sour
Wearing: Jammies
Listening: The Matches - Dog Eared Page
Thinking: I want to go on vacation!
Wanting: Warm Socks
PLUGGING: Urban Dictionary

mass rant


I'm sick, not physically (maybe mentally) but sick of sitting home. I hate not having plans, not doing something. I'm tired of being blown off by "friends". I'm sick of being an emotional doormat for those who cannot handle their own burdens, and feel the need to shove their emotional train wreck onto me. And expect me to solve their 4+ years of problems in 5 min so everything can once again be wonderful for them.


I guess I do more then my fair share of complaining. Alright, I do way more then my fair share. But, that's what I do. If I'm not satisfied with something, no matter how miniscule it is, I complain until it is to my expectations. Wow, that sounds bitchy. I guess alot is going on with me right now. I'm remembering alot of what I'd like to forget lately, the 2 year anniversary of my Dad's death is approaching in about 2 weeks, graduation, "the big move", partys, applying for college, and the ever present want/need for a likeable guy in my life.


I'm trying to make this page in some kind of order, but my head will not allow that so it's my page and you can deal with it. My house smells like paint and cardboard. I'm painting my room the SWEETEST shade of blue -electric blue- no, not the cheesy 80's electric blue, this blue (unlike that one which would suck on my walls) is so awesome. I'll have to find a sample.

So I added a banner. NO, I DON'T get paid if you click on it. A neat little site that offers FREE CLIFF NOTES!!! Just messing arround with the layout a little bit, I have some really cool gifs and stuff I'd like to add on here, but im htm & html ILLETERATE so uh, um, er, any, um, help, would be nice, *ahem* uh, so, anyways... hehe.

Uh, I guess I should say congrads to the 2000 class, but what for?

I like perogies.

mmmm pop tarts... *droool*

I'm not hungry....just thinkging of the taste of different foods, that's all. If my Mom would make me some perogies now I wouldn't eat them. =

Some of you are going to hit/punch/mame/abuse me for this but. I've been thinking of calling my ex up....yes THE EX, BIG ---. I'll give you a hint... his name isn't ned.... I just want to call and see how he is, to tell him I'm moving. Nothing more. No relationship, No date, and if things go well, maybe I'll take him off my email ignore list. =)

SPEAKING OF ^*(@&#% email! I go to log into my (crappy) yet effective hotmail today, and my password is broke....I try to reset it and *WHAM!* My password question has been changed... I was more then a BIT pissed. ;) So I emailed the puds at moronsoft and told them... they were about as helpful as asking my Mother about converting WAV to MP3. (My mom is a 4? year old denist, she knows how to turn the puter on, turn it off, and check her mail...she's just learning how to browse the web - how touching.) Since I got all that generous help from them, I decided to turn to my "L33T H4x0r" (aka elite hacker) friend, um, He's being looked for b/c of pirating software or something to that effect so I'll just use an alias...Dan... So Dan cracked my password for me =) *kiss* ty Dan. =)

ACK! As if my weekend couldn't get anymore suck-assed, my loving Mother, >=( has decided that we're going to church tommorow. ahhhh! I hate the catholic religion...not for me. ( if you believe in all that stuff, thats all fine and well. Obviously I don't believe in the catholic religion so eat me. =) I don't want all this "your going to hell! the spawn of satan himself!" yadda yadda I don't believe in hell either so um. once again eat me =) I'm not saying your religion or beliefs are wrong. They just aren't for me.)


<--Was * Is-->

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Last 5:

older isn't always wiser - Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006
- - Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006
- - Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005
I'm maried!!! - Monday, Sept. 19, 2005
Next week I'll be a wife - Monday, Sept. 05, 2005