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Right Now


Time: 3:02 pm pst
craving: raspberries

Drinking:whisky sour
Wearing: Jammies
Listening: The Matches - Dog Eared Page
Thinking: I want to go on vacation!
Wanting: Warm Socks
PLUGGING: Urban Dictionary

good stuff

"Take this job and shove it! I ain't working here no more! I will not get all the pieces. I've been working for paper cups, minimum wage just walk on out the door." Dead Kennedys - Take this Job and Shove it

Yeah, so I quit my job at Mc Donalds after the first day. They are so fucking un organized there it's pathetic. I called off work on the second day (I was REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY sick, I had a fever, blah blah blah) and my manager was all like, 'ok, dont come to work' and like, an hour into my shift, I get this phone call that's like, 'WHY ARENT YOU AT WORK!!!!!!' and I was pissed, so, I quit. It's dirty, just really nasty, only 3 people there speak english. ANd you're supposed to wash your hands every hour no matter what, and, they, don't, ever. It's yuckie. Besides that, there is absoulutely no consistency to the way they train new people. One person is like, DO IT THIS WAY, and like this other chick is all NO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, DO IT THIS WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY! and, they suck. So, lemme tell you what is 'ok' to eat at McDonalds.

Fries, Any bevridge, milkshakes, ice cream, parfaits, salads, chicken, cookies, apple pies.

DO NOT ORDER: A BIG MAC OR A BIG MAC WITHOUT MEAT, under any circumstances don't order a fish sandwich...(trust me on this one), Big'n'Tasty = Big and Yucky, and, try not to special order anything, its, well, a 'special order' if you do. I witnessed the yuckiest things while working there. It was bad.

So, anywhozal, I got a job at subway. I can walk to it from where I live, and I get free meals. =D MMMmmmm, subway.

So, I forgot to put this in my last entry:

THE TOP 10 REASONS WHY BOOBIES ARE GOODthe top 10 reasons why boobies are good

Posted on Thursday, June 07 @ 11:15:33 MST by ruby

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while the staff here at minion all have different opinions, tastes, and ideas. we all come to the general conclusion...boobies are good. in honor of boobies, i decided to make a top 10 list of the reasons boobies are good.

10. they provide a nice place to rest your head after vigorous sex.

9. they're versitile. they can be licked, sucked, pinched, pierced and come in all shapes and sizes.

8. they jiggle.

7. topless bars.

6. one word: perky

5. boobies don't descriminate. infact, nipple bumps encourage the blind to read.

4. they provide entertainment when there is a power-outage and you can't watch tv.

3. a study found that if a person stares at boobies for 10 min a day it can prevent a heart attack.

2. they provide a nice place for nipple clamps.

and the number one reason why boobies are good is ...

1. boobies make milk, which does a body good. therefore, boobies do a body good.

This top 10 was originally posted @ my evil minion by me. I just thought I'd share this list with everyone cause, well, boobies rawk. I'd also like to take this time, to have anyone

email me your 'why boobies rawk' storys. It can be about how your boobs got your free stuff, got you out of a speeding ticket, got you to pass your drivers liscense, or how some girls boobs have changed your life. Anywho. I doubt anyone is gonna send me a boobie story, but, It would be cool. heh.

So, lets talk about this summer. My last day of school was yesterday. I pick up my diploma on June 15th. I went swimming @ the pool yesterday with Jacob. He got sunburned really bad =( In 3 weeks, my old exchange student, Laura, comes to visit me. And, in 3 weeks, my boyfriend and his best friend go to Hawaii for 2 weeks. In August, Jen is suppoosed to come and visit for about a week. And Chelsea is scheduled to come out sometime before October. Kick mother ass. =)

Last night, I saw 'evolution'. Jacob was being a cockface, and wanted to sit in the front row. I hate the front row, cause you can't put your feet up on chairs infront of you (I only do that when people ARENT infront of me) and you have to stare straight up for 2 hours. Well, the movie was pretty funny, but loaded with explosions of alien guts and whatnot, making it a little yuckie for me. The animation of the aliens though is kick ass, and Orlando Jones and David Duchovny did really well together. If you've seen 'Hannibal' the same girl that plays 'Clarice' is in 'evolution'. She's not that great in this movie. Blah, overall, I'd save my cash on this one.

Oh, speaking of cash, Jacob's mom wants her inside of the house painted, she offered Jacob and I $400/each plus expenses and lunch to paint the house for her. *SCHWING* That about covers my rent for the month of July. August is already paid.

On a food related note, I tried a fish taco on Sunday @ rubios and they are SO SOOOOOOO fucking good. While we are on the subject of food, did you know that with m&ms you can order a custom blend of 21 colors of m&ms? It's kick ass!

I'm a happy mother effin' bunni.

ps: I'm fixing the 'older entrys' section as you read this.

<--Was * Is-->

Visit Jacob and Shannon's wedding page

Daisypath Ticker

Last 5:

older isn't always wiser - Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006
- - Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006
- - Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005
I'm maried!!! - Monday, Sept. 19, 2005
Next week I'll be a wife - Monday, Sept. 05, 2005