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Right Now


Time: 7:34 p.m.
craving: raspberries

Drinking:whisky sour
Wearing: Jammies
Listening: The Matches - Dog Eared Page
Thinking: I want to go on vacation!
Wanting: Warm Socks
PLUGGING: Urban Dictionary


1. time you started: 4:50 PM 8/18/2002

2. full name? Shannon Ashely Stedman - Just call me ruby

3. birthday? 01.16.1983

4. nickname? ruby, shan, fiend, fat girl, gimper, macaroni

5. birthplace? Mon Valley Hospital, Monongahela, Pennsylvania

6. hair/eye color? brown and hazel

7. siblings? 2 younger brothers 11, and 15 at the time of this post

8. last cd you bought? Fiona Apple - Tidal

9. last movie you saw in the theatre? MIB II

10. last movie you rented? I am Sam & A beautiful mind

11. favorite school subject? Performing Arts

12. least favorite school subject? Physics =D

13. do you actually like math? I'm a bookkeeper. Math is my life...

14. who are your best friends? Every last one of my friends is the best in their own way

15. do you have a crush? I like crush! Cept grape. but, I don't have any here =

16. who are your best online friends? My friends in real life

17. favorite actress? Jenene Garafalo

18. favorite actor? Nicholas Cage

19. favorite movie? Angus - No one has EVER heard of it.

20. favorite tv show? Simpsons, ER, Soppranos

21. favorite song? I could never just pick one.

22. favorite band? I couldn't pick just one, but, this list is a little smaller: Ataris, Sarah McLaughlin, Beatles, Social D,Bic Runga, The Clarks

23. favorite store? Illuminations, Old Navy

24. who's your favorite relative? All my favorites are dead.

25. favorite sport? volleyball

26. favorite food? shrimp

27. worst fear? Failure

28. favorite color? blue

29. best feeling in the world? I don't have a best

30. worst feeling in the world? I don't have a worst

31. best memory? I've got tons.

32. worst memory? I have plenty of these to list as well.

33. bill clinton? Well, I wasn't losing $ when he was president.

34. love at first sight? Do I believe in it - Yes. It happened to me.

35. abortion? Everyone has a choice.

36. marilyn manson? whatabout him. I know a guy who takes out his trash! Isn't that some crazy fucked up shit?!?

37. premarital sex? Sex is ok at anytime. As long as you are ready for it and all of the repercussions.

38. the jerry springer show? You can visit a trailer park in Alabama and see the same thing.

39. dreams? I have them. Nightmares too.

40. drinking? is great!

41. god? He's an asshole...

42. what cd is in your cd player right now? I Am Sam soundtrack - it is all beatles covers!

43. do you believe in heaven and hell? no

44. do you believe in angels? no

45. do you believe in aliens? I believe in other life

46. do you believe in yourself? not a bit

47. do you want to get married? yes - I've got it all planned out.

48. do you want to have kids? I think so.

49. what is one thing about you that pisses your friends off? Oh jesus! The list is endless....

50. what is your favorite music video? I'm broke = no cable = no mtv = no videos!)*@)(!@*)*&@#*(

51. do you have any stuffed animals? yes and I still sleep with one.

52. do you have any bad habits? a shitload of em.

53. what is your favorite hangout? I don't have one. But I like Peets.

54. have you ever been in love? Yes

55. are you a virgin? BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. ahem. sorry. No, I don't even think I was born a virgin.

56. where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Bali

57. where do you wish to be right now? In my old backyard. Or fishing.

58. what are you thinking this very moment? Did I pay the rent???

59. what do you think of the song "pretty fly for a white guy"? The Offspring have sold their souls to corporate radio!

60. are you vegetarian? no

61. favorite kind of clothes? whatever fits, and is comfortable.

62. last person you called on the phone? Chelsea

63. last tv show you watched? SNL

have you ever?

64. been on an airplane? plenty

65. went swimming in the ocean? yes

66. been to europe? no

67. been to mexico? all the time

68. been to canada? yes

69. been to australia? no

70. cried in public? yes

71. had a life changing experience? yes

72. let someone cry on your shoulder? yes

73. fell asleep in the shower? no, but in the tub. ;D

74. gone to church? yes and what sheer torture that shit is.

75. climbed a tree? yes

76. watched dawsons creek? yes

77. gone skiing? yes and boy, what a trip that was.

78. gone snowboarding? yes, and again, that was a great trip too....

79. been on a motorcycle? yes, my Dad owns one. well, I guess he "owned" one, but we still have it.

80. fell asleep during a scary movie? yep

81. stayed up all night? allll the time.

82. played soccer? yes

83. played street hockey? yes

84. been to a major league baseball game? yes, Jacobs Dad is a season ticket holder...

85. saw a pro basketball game? On TV

86. kissed the same sex? yes

87. kissed the opposite sex? yes

88. eaten sushi? yes. Cucumber roll is the best, but, I like sashimi too!

89. eaten fish? yes

90. eaten caviar? yes

91. seen someone die? oh yes. =

92. wanted to die? yes

93. met a celebrity? YES! Weird Al, Eve 6, Everclear, Korn, and I just can't really think of anyone else at the moment.

94. met the president? no

95. didnt wash your hair for a week? yep

96. driven a car? yes

97. peed in the shower? yep

98. broken something valuable? oh, all the time.

99. skipped school? haha. It is a miracle I graduated because I missed so much class.

100. bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? yes.

101. used you parents credit card without permission? no

102. been scared of getting shot? yes

103. gotten a cavity? yep

104. broken a bone? no

105. been given stitches? ina few places

106. shopped at abercrombie and fitch? no

107. made prank phone calls? yes

108. gone into a hallway and done the nasty? WTF? this bothers me so much. WHY do you fuckers call it "the nasty!" (*)!@& To clairify, no.

109. gone skinny dipping? yep - Chippewa.

110. snuck out of your house? hah. yeah, I even made Chelsea jump from my roof one night so we could sneak out. HAHAHAHA.

111. been in a fight? yep

112. what is your favorite website? mine!

113. what is on your mousepad? my boobs

114. what is your favorite smell? Coffee, or Jasmine Tea

115. do you have any pets? not yet

116. is the glass half empty or half full? Never mind that. What is in the glass?

117. lefty, righty, or ambidextrous? right handed

118. do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yes

119. what is under your bed? containers

120. what is your dream car? Audi TT

121. do you have any piercings or tattoos? yes. I'm straight up punk rock.

122. do you want any? yes, more would be great.

123. do you wear glasses? no

124. have you ever eaten a crayon? Yes. Nearly every Friday in highschool I ate one.

125. do you sing in the shower? no, but I want one of those shower cd players.

126. do you talk to your pet? ..........

127. do you talk to yourself? all the damned time

128. do you talk in your sleep? no, but I snore like a mofo though.

129. do you snore? see above

130. do you shave your legs? when I feel up to it.

131. what causes do you believe in? the right to choose - not just choose abortion or pro life, but to choose your life style, to choose what ever you damned well choose to do.

132. what do you think is gross? Corned Beef

133. what scares you? Failure

134. where are your ancestors from? Poland, Ireland, Checslovokia, France

135. what do you say is funny? huh?

136. what is your worst injury ever? To date, It would have to be the sprained ankle that resulted in surgery.

137. what is the hardest thing about growing up? The real world doesn't forgive so easily. And, it never forgets.

138. favorite quote? I have several. "Sometimes the way I choose to identify myself makes it hard for you to hear me.", "Fuck the status-quo. Live for yourself. Be independent from what 'THEY' dictate what you should and shouldn't do. Above all, survive."

139. are you crossing your legs right now? I never do that. That is chick shit.

140. any closing statements? I like marshmallow

five qualities in people that annoy you -

1. liars

2. dickheads

3. smokers

4. close talkers

5. know it alls

five things that turn you on about people -

1. intelligence

2. humor

3. respective

4. stimulating conversation

5. the way they smell

five things people should know about you -

1. I can't spell

2. Just when you think you have me figured out, think again.

3. I'm not like other girls

4. I love too much

5. your mother will either love me, or hate me

five things on your desk right now -

1. post-its

2. a hippo

3. a bracelet

4. a pen

5. 1" of dust

five things you say the most -

1. like

2. fuck [and all of it's derivatives -ing, -er, -hole, -wad, etc]

3. oh

4. I want that

5. I'm hungry

five songs people should give a listen -

1. Anything by the clarks

2. Social D - When the angels sing

3. Bic Runga - Sway

4. Love split Love - Am I wrong

5. The Beatles - Come together

profession: bookkeeper

height: 5'8"

distinguishing marks: scars, tats, metal, and the ever present bruises

allergies: dust, pollen, penacilin, grass, rag weed, lillys, penicilin, cats, ragweed, and whatever this lovely plant growing out side of my bedroom is. fucker.

lucky number(s): 21, 3, 7

age: 19.5

a smell that makes you pause: rotting food. Where is it? Did something fall behind the couch again?

a taste that makes you melt: Melt???? ACK! I should certainly hope not!

a hobby that occupies your time: crotcheting, scrapbooking

a city you'd like to visit: There are about 200. Right now? It would be Pittsburgh

a country you'd like to explore: Germany

a drink you order most often: Diet Dr. Pepper, but they never have it, so I ask for wild cherry pepsi, and they don't have that, so I order water alot.

a delicious dessert: Tiramisu

a book you highly recommend: Memiors of A Geisha

the music you prefer while alone: I listen to what I want, when I want. I don't care who is with me.

while at a party: again. same thing.

your favorite band: you asked this already

a film you could watch over and over: Angus

a TV show you watch regularly: simpsons, soppranos, big brother

a monument you would like to have a view of from your room: on the top of Mt. Soledad

your favorite time of the day: Sunset. And then Night.

your favorite place to sit at home: In MY chair

your stuff

you live in a(n): apartment

your transportation: grand am

your approx. annual income: It varies, I work 2 jobs one that is just a few months out of the year, but I make a shitload of money then.

your cologne or perfume: Pleasures, Ralph, Mango Mandrin

under your bed or in your closet you hide: skeletons

something important on your night table: my drink

when you sleep, you wear: nothing. or just socks if im cold

if you had a safe, in it you would keep: all my important paperwork

things you like to buy: everything

if you could afford it at this moment, you would buy: a house

you collect: everything. Imma fucking pack rat

you don't have a lot of: money, time, patience, etc..

your strangest possession: A glass eye

your most expensive possession: My computer

your most prized possession: Probably the rings I wear

your morals

people should not marry before this age: whenever you think the time is right

people should not have children before this age: ok, well, I think 18 is the youngest anyone should have a child. At least at that age, you are legally an adult.

the appropriate age for having sex: whenever you think that the time is right.

the first time you had sex, you were this age: 13

when you are late for an appointment and it's your fault, do you tell the truth or tell a white lie: it depends on what I'm late for.

your most recent lie: I don't remember

one person you might kill if the law would protect you: My godmother.

one thing in this world you are addicted to: there isn't just one. Caffine, sugar, coffee, whipped cream, I could go on but there is ony so much room.

a drug or alcoholic beverage you take on a regular basis: ohhh! I like this quesiton. JD, Apricot Brandy, Tequilla, Mimosas, Champange, Daquris, Margaritas, etc, etc, etc.

if there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Well, if there are no side effects, being addicted to something wouldn't be possible.

drugs you have tried in the past:

a drug you will never try again:

you believe hitting a child is an appropriate form of discipline: I don't know what is and isn't appropriate.

as an adult you have hit a woman?: yep

as an adult you have hit a man?: yep

you have been arrested?: yep

you have read someone's diary or gone through their personal possessions without asking?: yep

what would your reaction be if your spouse or partner cheated on you: I hope that never happens again.

have you purposely hurt someone emotionally: yes.

have you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: oh god yes.

have you apologized?: yes

do you owe someone money but have stalled paying it back: hah, yeah....

your religion and views of the world

do you believe in god?: you already asked this, and I said no.

describe god: n/a

what religion are you: well, I was raised catholic...

do you still practice this religion: no

your most spiritual moment: ????????????????

death is: final

do you believe in astrology: I like my horoscope

do you read your horoscope: yes

have you ever been treated by a psychotherapist: not yet

if reincarnation does exist, you'd like to come back as: a hippo, or a skinny hot chick. heh. that would rock.

the right to have an abortion: is just what it says, a right.

the right to own guns: again, this is also a right

the welfare system: 2 year limits

the death penalty: is perfectly legal

equal rights for homosexuals: absofuckinglutely

the practice of premarital sex: rock on!

the worst crime against humanity: Well, it isn't a crime, but AIDS effects everyone.

the minimum punishment for those who molest children: I think that there is no punishment that can compare with the punishment that that child faces everyday for the rest of his/her life

the minimum punishment for those who rape: I think that there is no punishment that can compare with the punishment that that person faces everyday for the rest of his/her life

your opinion of the draft: There should be SOME incentive

you would fight in a war: doubt it. Ima pansy

the environmental issue that concerns you most: uh, save the whales??

1. Favorite band(s)? You asked this already, and I said, that there are too many to list

2. Do you enjoy concerts? very much so

3. What was the last concert you attended? Everclear

4. Music you couldn't live without? All of it.

5. Kind of music that could fall off the face of the earth and you would not miss? muzak and no doubt

6. About how many CDs do you own? who has the time to count?

7. How many CDs can your stereo hold at a time? 3

8. Do you have a discman?: yes

9. What CD could you listen to for hours? My favorite mix cd

10. Can you sing well? If I could, I'd be making millions from it.

***the following answers include singles and such***

11. How many CDs do you own by Sublime? 5

12. Pink Floyd? 0

13. Tool? 2

14. Eminem? 0

15. Incubus? 2

16. Blink 182? 3

17. Everclear? 3

18. Weezer? 1

19. Garbage? 1

20. RATM? 2

21. Dr. Dre? 0

22. Fuel? 1

23. Linkin Park? 1

24. Radiohead? 0

25. The Pixies? 0

26. KoRn? 3

27. Limp Bizkit? 0

28. Smashing Pumpkins? 3

29. MxPx?: 2

30. Foo Fighters? 1

31. Tom Petty? 0

32. Eve 6? 1

33. Sum 41? 0


35. Nine Inch Nails? 2

36. Bjork? 0

37. Tori? 1

38. Vast? 0

39. Stabbing Westward? 1

40. Beastie Boys? 2

41. Soundgarden? 1

42. Candlebox? 1

43. Orgy? 0

Current mood: thirsty - is that a mood??

Current music: FF 9

Current taste: watermellon

Current hair: It's here

Current dress: my weekend attire

Current annoyance: this survey

Current smell: watermellon

Current longing: new years eve

Current game: FF9

Current thing I ought to be doing: cleaning the house, making dinner

Current windows open: all 2.

Current desktop picture: its this blue thing.

Current cds in stereo: Tori, Fiona

Current videos in vcr & dvd: vcr = blank tape to record crap, and dvd = lord of the rings

Current colour of toenails: chipped pink

Current refreshment: Jack Daniels Watermellon Punch

Current mourning: n/a

Current worry: work

Current crush: n/a

Current hate: work

Name: Shannon - you asked me already...

Sign: capricorn

Eye Color: hazel - you asked this already too

Current Hair Color: brown - you asked this aleady too, don't you pay any attention!

Fingernail color: chewed

Toenail color: you JUST asked this! And I said "Chipped pink"


Do you like music?: of course

Do you like rock/metal music?: It depends

Do you like popmusic? nope

Do you like rap?: not really

How about Country and Easylistening: what is that?

Classical: Ms. Ziggelar.........

Jazz: No, but I like the Blues

Favorite Radio Station: INDEPENDENT! 92.1!

What do you play: mind games

What do you want to play: football

Do you listen to WhiteZombie?: I'm impartial

Have you heard of the Toadies?: yes

Do you like them?: I've heard OF them, but never heard them

First thing that comes to mind when you hear:

Spikes: Those spikes on Mario Brothers then you are in Bowsers castle

Rats- Jacobs rats

Cheese- American

Tree- Bushy

Candy- sweettarts

Joe- Joe

Sandy- Sandy

Bob- Work

Samantha- nothing

Mike- and Jen

Christina- ugh.

Sugar- god

Star- light

Rock- roll

Have you ever.....

Practiced Magic: yep

Wanted to change your name: yes

Yelled in Public just for fun: yeah

Sang a song in public just for fun: but of course!

What song(s): anything I knew the words too


Name all of the bands you like, even if its just a few songs by them: FUCK)!(@*

Did that make you tired?: no. :D

What was the last song you heard?: Strawberry fields forever - Ben Harper

Did you like it?: yeah

Is your ass itchy?: no, thankfully

Are you sleepy?: no

Will you sleep with me?: that depends, do you kick?

Do you have a spork?: YES! I have THE spork....

Whats its name?: It isn't named you dumb ass. It's just a spork!

Are you a Beaver?: no

What is a Beaver?: I dunno, but you can leave it to him.

Do you like oreos: yes

Have you tried mini-oreos?: no

Have you ever tried to make smores with oreos?: no :p

Do you ever see someone famous and think 'wow! orgasm!'?: I see everyday people and think that same thing.

So which is it, Beavis or Butthead?: Beavis is a cooler name, but I prefer Butthead.

Are you a Vegetarian?: you already asked this. no

Do you support the people who cut apart a leather jacket in a store because they were against it?: no. Pro choicers don't go arround killing pregnant women just because they are against having a child. - well, bad example, but you get my fucking point.

Are you Catholic: At one point I was

Have you ever called an enemy, a 'Jesus Fish'?: WTF???????

Do fundies annoy you?: again- WTF?????????

Do you even know what a fundie is: No Fucker, I dont.

Are you a fundie?: I guess not.

Are you friends with a fundie?: no, I don't have very many friends.

Is anyone in your family a fundie?: oh jesus, probably.

Are you getting annoyed with Fundie questions?: ask away Fundie boy....

Tell me one fundie experience you've had: tell me yours first.

Do you like to play with fire?: no

Matches or lighters?: matches

Do you like to see things 'explode'?: on tv

Do you smoke weed?: no

Do you wish you had a big sack of rainbow colored drugs?: only if the could help me

If you saw a big sack of rainbow colored drugs, what would you do?: pick it up

What book are you currently reading?: This survey

What does your room smell like?: Coffee.

Are you sad that I'm leaving?: not at all

BYE: fuck off.

4 Things I'd Eat on the Last Day of My Life:

* everything NOT listed below

* tiramisu

* champagne

* Raspberry Tart

4 CDs I Never Get Sick Of:

* All of them

* -

* -

* -

4 Movies I Watch Over & Over:

* Angus

* The Breakfast Club

* Harry Potter

* -

4 Vacations I've Been On:

* Orlando, FL

* San Diego, CA

* Ocean City, MD

* Niagra Falls, CAN

4 Songs That Get Stuck in My Head:

* I was wrong - Social D

* She's got a girlfriend now - RBF

* Sway - Bic Runga

* Tool - Sober

4 Things I'd Like to Learn:

* How to make tiramisu

* How to surf

* How to turn water into gold

* How they make thos little chocolates with liquor in them

4 non- alcoholic Beverages I Drink Frequently:

* Diet Dr. Pepper

* Wild Cherry Pepsi

* Water

* Iced Tea

4 TV Shows I Loved As a Child:

* Carebears

* Snorks

* Gospel Bob

* Ren and Stimpy

4 Things I Do When Bored:

* talk to someone online

* do these survey thingys

* go to the gym

* watch TV

4 Things That Never Fail To Cheer Me Up:

* tiramisu

* chelsea

* vanillia creme frappachino

* Good ole alcohol

4 Celebs I Would Have Sex With:

* Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor from Smallville - Oh I would murder to fuck him)

* Gavin Rossdale

* Vin Diesel

* Reese Witherspoon

4 Causes I Would Donate $$ to If I Won the Lotto:

* Hungry and Homeless

* Orphanage

* MS


1. Who was the last person you yelled at?: Jacob

2. Who was the last person you kissed?: Jacob

3. What was the last memorable book you read?: memiors of a geisha

4. When did you last dance?: I dont remember

5. What's the last thing you want to hear from your parents? "Can I come live with you?"

6. When did you last go for a walk in the park?: like, years ago

7. When did you last do your ironing?: when needed

8. When was the last time you smiled all day?: that never happens

9. What color of socks do you normally wear?: whatever I pick out

10. Did you ever attend a private school?: hahahahaha. no.

11. Do you like stuffed animals?: yes, and you already asked this.

12. Have you ever smashed pumpkins?: yep

13. What's the most memorable thing you've read?: Night - Elie Weisel

14. Can you quote shakespeare?: yes

15. Do you like playing baseball?: no

16. Are you a neat freak?: no. a neat freak would die in my house...

17. What is the worst injury you have ever given someone?: oh man, ask one of my brothers...

18. Do you ever eat lemons plain?: yes

19. Have you ever fired a gun?: hasn't everyone?

20. Do you own any knee-high boots?: several

21. Are you attached to extreme people?: wtf?

22. Do you like swimming in lakes?: yes

23. Have you ever streaked at a football game or any other public event?: that was my whole highschool career....

24. What is you favorite gemstone?: I like anything that sparkles

25. Have you gone on many blind dates?: only a few

26. Has someone done something extra nice for you?: yep!

27. Did you have a crush on any of your teachers?: I don't go to school...

28. Have you ever been lost in a bad part of a city?: hahaha yes.

29. Would you rather have a mint or fruit flavored gum?: cinnamon

30. Do you have road rage?: yes

31. What's your favorite childhood memory?: my birthday at mc donalds

32. Do you ever eat food right out of cans or jars?: no

33. Has your mind ever gone blank?: all the time

34. Have you ever met anyone interesting at the laundry mat?: yes. It was the same lady at the hot tub "you east coasters are everywhere!"

35. Which song do you wish you had written?: America the Beautiful

36. Are you kind?: kind of

37. Would you give a needy person the shirt off your back?: No, everyone would then see my flab. But, I'd see if I had another shirt in the car.

38. Do you have any beanie babies?: no. wait, yes, a flamingo

39. Would you rather be hot or cold?: cold

40. Is the glass half full, or empty?: you asked this once already - and my response was "Who cares! What I want to know is what is IN the glass!"

41. Do you exercise or work out regularly?: Yep

42. Could you kill if your life was threatened?: Easily

..have you..

+ been in love?: yes, and I think you asked this at least once before.

+ been in a quiet room and screamed so there would be some noise?: yes

+ left the country?: yes

+ taken any illegal substances? yes

+ gone out in your p.j.'s?: I live in my PJs

+ set yourself or a body part on fire?: no!

+ started dancing when there was no music?: yep imma fucking nerd

+ pretended you were an opera singer?: only when im excited....

+ kept a secret from everyone? yes

+ actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire?: no

+ crashed into a wall in public: yeah. I'm so un-co-ordinated

+ ever cried at a "chic flick"?: yep

+ had a crush on a teacher?: You already asked me this, and I replied with "I don't go to school" and, for the record, No.

+ done something stupid to impress your crush? Not on purpose.

+ laughed so hard you cried?: yep laugh so hard i've peed myself a few times too.... "she fell down in the bathroom and peed on me" BWAAHAHAHHA

+ found a cartoon character attractive?: I don't think so.

+ at anytime owned a "new kids on the block "cards, tapes, dolls, tee shirts?: Everyone did.

+ called or seen a psychic: no, but my Mom did, and this psychic is so fuckin accurate...

+ prank called someone?: you already asked this. and I said yes.

+ gotten in a car accident?: a few

+ fallen down the stairs?: ohhh yeah

+ seen the eiffel tower?: no

+ soap: What about it?

+ colors?: what about them?

+ day or night: night


+ type of sandwich: grilled cheese

+ coffee or hot chocolate: coffee

+ big or little: big baby. big. ;D

+ here or there: here

+ red or blue: blue

+ new or old: old

+ character on "saved by the bell": slater

+ character on dawson's creek: Joey

+ character on the brady bunch: Jan

+ cartoon character(s): The entire cast of the simpsons, and anybody on Adult Swim

+ tv show: ER

+ movie: Angus - This is I think, the 10th time Ive said this....

+ cried: yes

+ laughed: yes

+ helped someone: yes

+ cut your hair: yes

+ worn a skirt: yes

+ worn a tie: yes

+ been mean: all the time

+ gone to the movies: of fucking course....

+ been sarcastic: ..............................

+ gone out for dinner: tongiht, Olive Garden. MmmmMmmm!

+ said "I love you": Everyday

+ written a letter: A month ago

+ watched your favorite movie: 2 months ago

+ given someone a present: uh, yesterday

+ missed someone: dunno

+ hugged someone: yeah, like 5 min ago.

+ had a nightmare: Last night

+ fought with your parents: last week

+ had sex: a week you believe in..

+ god/devil: no..

+ your friends: yes

+ aliens: probably

+ love: yes

+ destiny: who knows

+ signs: yep

+ the closet monster: no. but that boogie monster is a REAL bastard!

+ one person for everyone: no, 3's company.

+ psychic powers: yes

+ government conspiracies: you would have to be pretty stupid not to.

+that squirrels are evil: they work for the government.

1. Have you ever taken goggles into the shower with you? no..

2. Have you ever stared at the blobs in a lava lamp for more than an hour? no.

3. Do you feel bad for a spider when someone steps on it? no

4. Have you ever wondered why M&M's are the color they are? no

5. Did you memorize how to spell supercalafragilisticexpealedocious? is there even a real spelling to that???

6. Do you know the names of all the american presidents? yes

7. Do you still wonder if Elvis is alive? No. He is dead. Get over it.

8. Have you ever tried to jump off the roof of your house? No, but Chelsea did�

9. Do you own a Chia-pet? No, but I owned a Chia Head once.

10. Do you consider all blondes to be dumb? Nah, my Mom is a pretty sharp tack

11. Do you have 0 TV's in your house? we've got 2

12. Do you have more than 10 pet's living in your house? no.

13. Is your favorite movie of all time rated G? no

14. Do you have an Atari system in your house? I could only wish..

15. Do you buy more than 5 cd's a week? no

16. Is your favorite color tangerine? no

17. Is your favorite food turtle soup? no

18. Do you spend more time in your house than you do with your friends? Yes

19. Have you ever watched an entire episode of the teletubbies? No, thats sick.

20. Did you ever have an imaginary friend when you were little? I hope not.

21. Do you ever talk to yourself? all the fucking time, and I already told you this.

22. Do you sing in the shower? no, and I already told you this too...

23. Do you have more than 5 body piercings? not yet.

24. Do you have hidden video cameras in your house? If they were hidden, how the fuck would I know...

25. Did you ever think that the government was spying on you? They are spying on everyone..

26. Do you cover yourself in tin-foil, and put coat hangers on the ceiling? No, but Bart Simpson did...

27. Do you ever make things out of a dollar bill when you are bored at the lunch table? no

28. Have you ever won a contest in which you had to guess "How many jellybeans are in the jar"? no, I won the Hot Tamales one year though..

29. Have you ever trash picked? I picked up trash before...

30. Can you fling stuff out of your nose? Not yet, but I'm close!

31. Do you know the meaning of life? Yep.

32. Have you ever picked on someone smaller than you, just because you thought it would be funny? Nope, I was one of the people that was picked on.

33. Do you count down the amount of days left in the school year? no. Thank God, the terror that is high school is beyond me.

34. Do you often see things that aren't really there? no.

35. Do you see dead people? no

36. Is this a yes or no question? is it?

37. Have you ever worn clothes that belonged to someone else? all the time

38. Do you enjoy tight clothing? no. and there isn't a single person that enjoys me in it.

39. Have you ever gone a whole week without brushing your teeth? no

40. Do you sleep with the lights on? no

41. Do you consider money to be a form of evil? yes. money corrupts

42. Have you ever played bloody knuckles? Yes.

43. Have you ever had the urge to have a pickle and peanut butter sandwich? nope

44. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? this is the 3rd time... No.

45. Do you believe fairy tales do come true? wtf? no.

46. Do you enjoy using yo-yo's? yes

47. Do you believe in superstition? no

48. Do you like DIET soda? some of em.

49. Do you watch cartoon shows every day? yes

50. Do you read books for fun? yep

51. What time is it now? 10:43pm 8/18/02

<--Was * Is-->

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older isn't always wiser - Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006
- - Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006
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I'm maried!!! - Monday, Sept. 19, 2005
Next week I'll be a wife - Monday, Sept. 05, 2005